
The Brain Box book coverThis blog was originally an extension of our publication The Brain Box an essential guide to learning techniques and self-motivation.

In addition to posts containing new ideas and techniques for students, parents and teachers, the blog has evolved to include information relating to communication and presentation skills, pertinent to all walks of life.


Who’s in the driving seat?

8th September 2015 | Tim Benton | Motivation

I used to have a SAT NAV.  When it worked, it was great and I became very reliant on it getting me where I needed to go.  Maybe a little too over-reliant… A few years back, I had to speak at a school in Bedfordshire.  I fell out of the hotel, first thing in the morning, […]

Revision C.A.T.S.

3rd September 2015 | Tim Benton | Revision

Revision! We all hate it, we all need to do it. Reading The Brain Box will help you take the pain out of painstaking and if you remove the pain, you’re just left with staking which is an anagram of skating, and skating is fun! See – it’s all about how we see these things… Confused?  Never mind – […]

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